#‎DidYouKnow‬ ? ‪#‎Vitiligo‬ due to para-tertiary butylphenol was repo…

#‎DidYouKnow‬ ? ‪#‎Vitiligo‬ due to para-tertiary butylphenol was reported in 19714 from St. Johns Hospital of ‪#‎Dermatology‬ in ‪#‎London‬ and soon after that in ‪#‎Germany‬ by ‪#‎Rodermund‬ who reported Vitiligo associated with ‪#‎hepato‬ and ‪#‎splenomegaly‬ and ‪#‎goitre‬ in 3 patients working in a factory producing para-tertiary ‪#‎butylphenol‬. #VitiligoDiet #VitiligoCauses #VitiligoTreatment #Leucoderma #Lukoskin #VitiligoDiet #VitiligoTreatment #WhitePatches

Source by ashishkumar7898



As I’ve mentioned probably in the past four posts, I’m on summer. In case yo…